Monday, January 28, 2008

Apple iPod

I think that the most interesting thing about the Apple iPod is all of the updates that have taken place since it creation. The iPod was not the first MP3 player in the market, but it definitely changed the way that people listen to music. The iPod started a craze where people would take their music everywhere they go. Even though there were already MP3 players in the market, the craze of taking your music everywhere you go did not start until the iPod was released. Apple tends to do this with many of their products, including the iPhone. There were plenty of smart phones on the market, but the iPhone has outsold all of the other smart phones since its release. Apple was able to do this without having any experience in the cellular phone business. This seems to be a trend to me for Apple. By this time, I feel that everyone knows the Apple brand as being the best at whatever they are doing. I feel that anything that Apple sells, people will buy, and it all started with the iPod.
The continuous updates that Apple has made to the iPod gives customers the impression that Apple will do whatever is necessary to please the customer. If there is something that the customer does not like in the first generation product, they will change it and make it better the next time around. This has created a lot of customer loyalty, and Apple knows that it is cheaper and easier to keep a customer than it is to draw new customers to the company. In my opinion the fact that Apple continuously upgrades their products helps them to increase market share by keeping customers happy and continuing their branding of being the best.

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